Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014: Wishes for a meaningful year

Happy New Year, dear Reader! For this new year, I wish for the world to be less selfish and to take care of Mother Earth. A wish, I fear, that will remain a wish on the global scale for decades still. 

On the personal scale, however, I am more optimistic :) To paraphrase a teacher in Heng's new school: 

To change to world, we should change one country at a time;
To change a country, we should change a person at a time;
To change a person, we should change one attitude at a time. 

Therefore, I will start with the circle of my influence: myself, my family and my friends. 

For myself, I hope to read (or listen) to more books, to manage time better so that more can be achieved and to keep house better. I also hope to spend more time exercising. 

On the family front, will strive to be more patient with my family, more supportive of my children's endeavours as they grow older and less swayed to my desires. 

As for my friends, I hope to offer more kind and encouraging words. Regrettably, with my full time focus on the family, I couldn't spend more time with my friends. So, with the help of FB, I can do the online version of going out for yamcha and chitchat with friends :)

Let us all have a meaningful 2014!

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