Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reading: My Favourite Thing To Do

It stood out like a sore thumb amidst the featherweights and lightweights that were staples in the kids section. I pitied it, I think, that was why I decide to adopt it for a few weeks. Besides, I was getting too caught up with a time-waster at home that I thought reading might be a better use of my precious free time. 

It was a 3-inch thick, hard-covered heavyweight ironically named 'Little Women'. I've read it before many years ago but I couldn't remember any of it. So, this time round, I considered this literary classic to be new to me.

The good thing about it was the large prints, so helpful at my age. I'm notice that I peep under my glasses more often whenever I want to see small things like my fingertips and the ends of my hair.  But I digress. 

The large prints were only one of the reasons that explain to its size. Another, I don't doubt, was the style in which the story had been written. The round-about way of expression was more descriptive and evoked deeper feelings of the reader towards the characters and their circumstances. However, they made a tedious read. I only made it so far because I loved to read and some of its chapters were captivating. Sadly, this classic would find it hard to hold the interest of a less avid reader.

My other complaint is that I can't bring it with me to the gym. The panel of the elliptical trainer is able to hold such a monstrosity but I'm afraid it will draw too much attention to its reader. So, for my running sessions, I use iBook. 'Sense and Sensibility' is another classic older than 'Little Women'. How do I know? Its sentences are much longer. Instead of round-abouts, it employs spirals. 

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