Sunday, July 17, 2016

Forum (1/7): An Introduction

The forum I mentioned in the previous post was titled 'Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Child'. It was free and organized by the Master of Child Psychology students of a private university. The venue was the university's KL campus.

There were three speakers; two registered and licensed counselors and a foreign lecturer at the said university. 

The topics discussed was:
- Are you listening to your children?
- Discipline without damaging
- Digital parenting 

It was the third topic that got me interested in the first place. I will share what I gathered from this forum in subsequent posts.

During the half and hour break, participants took the opportunity to speak to the many child psychologists in the room (aka free consultation! Haha!) There were many of them alright, this was organized by psychology students after all! Besides the students, there were their lecturer and the three speakers who were experts of the subject.

After the break, an organization called the Breakthru Academy talked about kinesiology. This subject was totally new to me, so I was able to take away a lot from this session.

All in all, for the stuff that I already knew, this forum refreshed my memory of them and reinforced the message that persistence was necessary. I knew that I was losing steam in the persistence department. So, it was time for me to buck up. As for the stuff I didn't already know, it was an eye-opener. 

Even if I didn't learn anything, it wasn't a complete waste of time because at least I got a few hours off from home!

I would like to end this post with an interesting observation although I stand to be corrected if I am wrong. All the psychologists in the room appeared to me to be childless, except for the foreign lecturer who had a daughter in her, I guessed, tween. Are experts without experience still considered experts? Experts of theory?

I suppose a third party who is not emotionally involved is more objective in dealing with the problems of the families who consult them. After all, there is a Chinese saying: 旁观者清. A dictionary defines these 4 little words as : the person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom); the spectator sees more of the game. Apt in describing these 'theoretical experts', don't you think?

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