Monday, September 7, 2015

Promise II: The Fulfillment of a Promise

I was finally able to make rice with meat and vege for Li to bring to school as snack. On the weekend of the National Day, I made schnitzel using pork slices. As it involved quite a lot of work, I made extra and refrigerate them. My kids loved them but Hubby didn't. I had to go out with him for dinner because he didn't want to eat the deep fried pork slices. 

On the first day of school after that, Li  said she wanted rice with schnitzel and rice. Perfect timing, I thought. I could prepare it quickly because I had leftover rice in the fridge from the previous day. So, I reheated the rice in the steamer, the schnitzel in the oven. Although I had to chop the garlic and stirfried the 'choy sum', it was quickly accomplished as I had extra washed leaves of the vege from a weekend homecooked meal.

I filled Li's usual food container with the food and a spoon and placed the container in a plastic bag in case it leaked vege sauce or got accidentally uncovered. I explained to Li about the need for the plastic bag and for keeping the container level in her bag. She understood followed my instruction very well. Good girl!

Did she finish the food? Only half of it. I consider it a success because there was no messy accident and she seemed satisfied with the whole thing.