Monday, September 7, 2015

Promise II: The Fulfillment of a Promise

I was finally able to make rice with meat and vege for Li to bring to school as snack. On the weekend of the National Day, I made schnitzel using pork slices. As it involved quite a lot of work, I made extra and refrigerate them. My kids loved them but Hubby didn't. I had to go out with him for dinner because he didn't want to eat the deep fried pork slices. 

On the first day of school after that, Li  said she wanted rice with schnitzel and rice. Perfect timing, I thought. I could prepare it quickly because I had leftover rice in the fridge from the previous day. So, I reheated the rice in the steamer, the schnitzel in the oven. Although I had to chop the garlic and stirfried the 'choy sum', it was quickly accomplished as I had extra washed leaves of the vege from a weekend homecooked meal.

I filled Li's usual food container with the food and a spoon and placed the container in a plastic bag in case it leaked vege sauce or got accidentally uncovered. I explained to Li about the need for the plastic bag and for keeping the container level in her bag. She understood followed my instruction very well. Good girl!

Did she finish the food? Only half of it. I consider it a success because there was no messy accident and she seemed satisfied with the whole thing. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Promise: How Far Do You Go to Keep A Promise To Your Child

First, I need to clarify that this is not about whether you should make a promise. That process in which you weigh the costs and benefits of making that promise can be a lengthy subject in itself; but no. Today's Word is about keeping a promise as opposed to making one. 

Let me tell you what happened. One day, I made minced meat patties for lunch to go with egg fried rice and stir fried lettuce. Li liked it so much she wanted to have the same for snack in school the next day. It would mean more work for me in the morning as I would have to cook the meat and veggies. As I'd like to support my children in their decision, I said yes. 

After that, I totally forgot about it! At dinner, I didn't save some rice to be heated up in the morning. As it was completely forgotten, I didn't cook the rice, meat and veggies in the morning while getting the older kids ready for school.

My promise eluded me until Li was packing her school bag before going to school. She asked me, "Mommy, where's my rice?" It struck me like thunder but it was to late to do anything. What did I do, you ask? The only thing I could do: confessed that I'd forgotten, "can I make it for you for tomorrow's snack instead?"

I felt bad that I forgot and hoped that she wouldn't cry. Lucky for me, she didn't. She was disappointed, of course but she didn't bawl her eyes out crying "Bad mommy! Bad mommy!" Phew! I was relieved, to put it mildly.

I really did mean to make it up to her the next day but when I asked her again at that night, she said no. She changed her mind and hasn't had rice for school since then. Double phew!! Not that I don't want to make for her, I just don't prefer it. More work for me, yes, but think of the oily mess if the food box leak cooking juice or get uncovered in her school bag! Even more work for me!

So, do I go all out to fulfill my children's promise? Yes and no. Yes, if the situation remain favourable. No, if the situation changed and rendered it unpracticable. I'd explain the reason why it couldn't be fulfilled and offer alternatives. I believe this helps them to adapt their expectations and not grow to be spoilt brats where everything has to go their way. Also, it would mean less work for me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reading: My Favourite Thing To Do

It stood out like a sore thumb amidst the featherweights and lightweights that were staples in the kids section. I pitied it, I think, that was why I decide to adopt it for a few weeks. Besides, I was getting too caught up with a time-waster at home that I thought reading might be a better use of my precious free time. 

It was a 3-inch thick, hard-covered heavyweight ironically named 'Little Women'. I've read it before many years ago but I couldn't remember any of it. So, this time round, I considered this literary classic to be new to me.

The good thing about it was the large prints, so helpful at my age. I'm notice that I peep under my glasses more often whenever I want to see small things like my fingertips and the ends of my hair.  But I digress. 

The large prints were only one of the reasons that explain to its size. Another, I don't doubt, was the style in which the story had been written. The round-about way of expression was more descriptive and evoked deeper feelings of the reader towards the characters and their circumstances. However, they made a tedious read. I only made it so far because I loved to read and some of its chapters were captivating. Sadly, this classic would find it hard to hold the interest of a less avid reader.

My other complaint is that I can't bring it with me to the gym. The panel of the elliptical trainer is able to hold such a monstrosity but I'm afraid it will draw too much attention to its reader. So, for my running sessions, I use iBook. 'Sense and Sensibility' is another classic older than 'Little Women'. How do I know? Its sentences are much longer. Instead of round-abouts, it employs spirals. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Try Again

I can't believe that it's been one and a half years since my last post! And after resolving to post regularly, too :( 

So, I'm going to try again. Why? I just read an article about keeping a journal every day, writing something, anything, down for a few minutes each day. It's supposed to help coping with stress, keeping new resolutions, among other things. I hope keeping a journal will make me feel that I've accomplished something because my daily routine now consists of serving others (read: kids) and I'm not doing anything for myself 😒 

Now, I will strive to write something down: a thought, a feeling, an observation, an experience, etc. I used to want to write 'meaningful' or 'helpful' stuff but I couldn't sustain it cos it took me a lot of effort to come up with idea and text for each post. What I need is something short and succinct that doesn't take me much time and effort. 

Hence, I shall try again to post regularly in this blog. Wish me luck 😇