Monday, July 20, 2015

Try Again

I can't believe that it's been one and a half years since my last post! And after resolving to post regularly, too :( 

So, I'm going to try again. Why? I just read an article about keeping a journal every day, writing something, anything, down for a few minutes each day. It's supposed to help coping with stress, keeping new resolutions, among other things. I hope keeping a journal will make me feel that I've accomplished something because my daily routine now consists of serving others (read: kids) and I'm not doing anything for myself 😒 

Now, I will strive to write something down: a thought, a feeling, an observation, an experience, etc. I used to want to write 'meaningful' or 'helpful' stuff but I couldn't sustain it cos it took me a lot of effort to come up with idea and text for each post. What I need is something short and succinct that doesn't take me much time and effort. 

Hence, I shall try again to post regularly in this blog. Wish me luck 😇

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